Open.               Ignite.                Nourish.                Create.               Love.                Flourish. 

The Cauldron of the Growing Vine is an eclectic pagan collective that holds a vision of intentionally inclusive community for witches and pagans of many paths. 

We open ourselves to curiosity and learning. 

We ignite our passions with joy. 

We nourish ourselves, our communities, and the land. 

We create non-hierarchical spaces that honor one another

We love radically 

So we can flourish together

Winds of Change


Some big changes are coming to our circle after Litha! The catalyst for these changes is that Jenner and Kiona Daelyn, two of the Keepers of the Cauldron, are moving to Tucson Arizona at the end of July. The short-term effect is that they will likely not be at the Lughnasadh rituals while they are moving through the logistics of unpacking with little ones and starting a new job. However, the long-term effect is some broader changes for the Cauldron that we believe will actually help us all grow. We all love this circle so much and we are adaptable creatures, so we are going with the flow and we’ve made a plan for what the future looks like.

In-person rituals will now be happening in all three locations where the Keepers live: San Diego, San Jose, and Tucson! These rituals will be simpler casual events focusing on just being in community to celebrate the solar holidays. Think witchy potluck in sacred space with a little spell or divination.

Our online rituals for solar holidays will continue much in the same way they have been since the beginning. These rituals will be a bit more involved with invocations, stories, poetry, meditations, spellwork etc

Goddexx devotionals will continue as usual at least through 2024.

We’ve moved rituals to all happen on the weekends to accommodate the majority of people’s work and school schedules. The online ritual will be on Saturday morning at 10am (Pacific Time), the online devotional will be on Sunday at 10 am (Pacific Time), and the in-person gathering will be that same Sunday at 3pm (local time).

We found that being able to meet on the Solar holiday was special so, we are test-running an online social dinner on the holiday this Litha. Our ritual zoom room will be open 3pm-8pm (Pacific Time) for you to drop in at your convenience and be in community, eat, drink, and be witchy!

While we know Kiona and Jenner will miss gathering in-person with our San Diego witchy family and that they will be missed in return, we also look forward to expanding opportunities for witches and pagans in San Jose and Tucson to come experience this beautiful community.

All of the updated dates for rituals through the end of 2024 are on the calendar page.

Thank you for reading through this. We love you all and continue to grow together 

Upcoming Events 

Monthly Social Gatherings

Pagans in the Park & Cauldron Chats Cancelled

Our monthly in-person and online social gatherings are canceled for the foreseeable future due to low attendance. We are dreaming up new social events that will be a different format. If you have an idea of what you would like to see in a monthly social gathering for pagans, please let us know by sending us a message through the Contact page. We'd love your feedback as we create something new! 

Upcoming Seasonal Events & Rituals

Online Litha Ritual 

Saturday June 22nd 10:00am
Please have these items with you:

*Grounding snack

* More info coming soon

Online Pasiphae Devotional 

Sunday June 23rd 10:00am (pst)

In-person Litha Ritual 

Sunday June 23rd 3:00pm 

Balboa Park at 6th Street & Juniper Rd 

Please bring:

* a blanket or chair to sit on

* food to share potluck-style 

* your own utensils and plate (to help us cut down on waste)

*We ask all in-person participants be fully vaccinated to help protect our most vulnerable loved ones

All event details are available on our calendar page